The new option for Prime allowing PBI attorneys to manage their cases Online.

Basic Overview
Video Examples
System Requirements
New Features (February 18, 2014)

Basic Overview

Kemp’s Case Works has developed a new feature for use by your Pro Bono and Judicare attorneys.  Attorneys on your panel can log on to your website and manage their cases. This includes adding and viewing case notes, PBI Time slips, and Compensated slips. [For users with a 12.2 or newer version of Prime, documents can be viewed and uploaded to the system.]  When a case is complete, they can close it.

Attorneys can choose from your list of cases waiting to be referred. This list can be filtered by type of issue, as well as the location of the problem. The attorney can review a case, including the names for conflict checking. If interested, they can agree to take a particular case.

Attorneys may also review and change their profile, types of cases they will take, and where they will take cases.

This is all done Online. If you are using the ASP through Venture, not only will this work, but you will not need additional accounts for your participating attorneys.

The Pro Bono Coordinator receives emails when these actions are taken by a participating attorney.

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Video Examples

You can download an executable below showing the system or watch these videos:

Part 1 – An Attorney Registers to be on your PBI Panel:

Part 2 – A PBI Panel Attorney Registers To Use The Website:

Part 3 – PBI Attorney Use of The Website

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System Requirements

Requirements for installation (these must be in place before installation can begin)
1. Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher
2. Internet Information Services (IIS) installed and running—included as a part of the Windows Server system
3. .NET 4.0 installed and registered with IIS—typically included in the Windows Server system, but also available as a free download from Microsoft
4. SQL 2008 R2 or higher
5. Access 2007 or higher
6. Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 registered and installed on the server that will host IIS (Express or Full Version—the Express version is available as a free download from Microsoft)
7. Administrator level access to IIS and SQL servers and front-end of Kemp’s system
8. Kemp’s Prime 12.2 or above
9. IIS and SQL servers must be on same LAN
10. For email functionality, the organization must supply (a) a recipient email address, (b) a username and password to use to send the email–the username should be in the form of an email address, and (c) email server connection details, including the DNS name, port, and security (TLS, SSL, none).

Optional (Recommended) Items (not provided in installation)
1. Static, public IP address for IIS server—may be provided by your ISP for an additional fee
2. Modification of DNS, network, and firewall(s) to allow external computers to connect to the Online Intake website
3. SSL Certificate for IIS server—this must be purchased from a SSL Certificate vendor

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New Features (February 18, 2014)

Two new features have been added, first, when attorneys are reviewing waiting cases to accept a new case, the screen automatically shows them cases that are in the counties and subjects saved to their profile.  This means they will not have to select subject areas and counties to search.  Of course, the attorney can widen the selection by using the standard items on the waiting case screen to search in other areas.

The second new feature allows an attorney to specify a date range and get a list of the time that has been entered for the attorney during that period.  This can be handy when the attorney needs to list the time spent helping your organization.

Both of these items are available in the latest version of the PBI Attorney Web Portal.  They may also be added to an existing installation of the Web Portal for a small fee.