Using the Spcode1, 2 and 3 User-Defined fields

Using the Spcode1, 2 and 3 User-Defined fields

  • Tip


I recently had a request to explain how to use the three user defined fields on the Client Intake Sheet. I thought it would be beneficial for everyone to review how this is done. This applies to all versions of Prime.


There are three fields on Intake Page 2 of the Client intake form. They are labeled Spcode1, Spcode2 and Spcode3. They are unused fields reserved for your own use for whatever purpose you need them for. This will explain the different ways these fields can be used.


For our example, we will assume you want to track information for a Sexual Assault grant. What we explain for the field Spcode1, also applies to Spcode 2 and 3.


Using Spcode1 to store a value of your choice, is easy. However, there are several options that you can use that will make this field even more useful. You can set up the field to allow you to:

  1. Type in a Value
  2. Choose a Value from a pull-down, or
  3. Choose a Value from a pull-down or type in a value if the list doesn’t give you what you want.


The steps we will follow to do this are simple. We will:

  1. Show you how to shut off the pull-down, or
  2. Modify the pull-down values
  3. Limit the value entered to only choices on the pull-down
  4. Set a default value if nothing is chosen
  5. Change the label to say something more meaningful than Spcode 1.


The changes we make should be done on the Admin copy of Prime Front End or the Master copy. Except for the changes to the values for the pull down, you will have to push out this change to all users.


Shut off the Pull-Down

If you don’t want to use the field as a pull-down, you can change it so that it is a simple text field. This would be useful for gathering information that will not follow a set list, but would vary case by case. To do this, go to the Navigation Pane on the left and open it up. Press F11 if you don’t see it. If it still doesn’t appear, contact your administrator, since they might have it turned it off. Type in inpClients into the Search box. If the Search box doesn’t appear, right click on the top of the Navigation Pane and choose Search Bar. Right click on inpClients when it shows up and choose Design view. Go to the Intake Page 2 and right click on the data entry box next to Spcode 1. Pick ‘Change To’ from the list that appears and select Text Box. This changes the field so that it will no longer function as a pull-down.


Modify the Pull-Down Values

If you decide to use the SPCode1 as a pull down, you will have to populate the field choices. Because these are stored in a table, populating the choices means putting values into a table. The values will then automatically show up on the pull-down. You can do this directly by using the Navigation Pane or from the Menus


  1. From the Navigation Pane – Pull the Navigation Pane out from the left side of the screen or press F11. When it appears, type subSpcode1 into the Search box. (if no search box, right click and choose Search Bar to display it) If there are existing values in the table you could:
    1. Shut off the values so you don’t see them, but preserve them for future report writing. To do this, put a Zero (False) under the CurrentR value next to each row. This will hide the choices on the Client Intake but allow you to see what the old codes meant in the future.
    2. Erase the values that are currently in the table, assuming you don’t need them or they only say something like ‘User definable field’.

Now type in the values you want. The first column is what is stored and the second column is a description. You can choose to store things as a code or as a full text. Let’s look at these two approaches:

    1. As a code – you would enter something like:
  1. SAF                  Sexual Assault by Family Member
  2. SAN                 No Sexual Assault
  • SAS                 Sexual Assault by Stranger
    1. As full text you could enter this text and leave the second column blank:
  1. Sex Assault by Family Member
  2. No Sex Assault
  • Sex Assault by Stranger


  1. From the Menu – The steps are the same as above but you get to the table a different way.
    1. Prime 14 – Go to the Ribbon Bar and Choose Admin, then Click on Setup Functions, then Setup Tables. When you see the list, scroll down to

Clients – Spcode1               subSpcode1

and click on it. Then follow the above instructions.

    1. Earlier than Prime 14 – Go to the Upkeep tab and click on it. The password is ‘EMIRP’. Go to the first pull down that mentions Setup Tables and click on it. Scroll through the list till you find the subSpcode1 and click on it. Then follow the above instructions.


Limit the Value Entered to Only Choices on the Pull-Down

Assuming you are in the Admin Copy of Prime (or working with the master copy of the front end), now open the inpClients form in the design mode. Go to page two and click on the entry block next to Spcode 1. If there is no Property Box open, Right click and choose Properties. If the Properties box is already open, just use that box.


Click on the Data tab. You can then go to the ‘Limit to List’ and choose true if you only want to allow people to enter what is on the pull down. Leave it false to allow people to either choose the pull-down OR type in anything they want.


Set a Default Value if Nothing is Chosen

You can also put a value in next to the Default property, such as SAN, and this is what will be saved on a new record if not changed.


Change the Label

If you want to make the user understand what the field is being used for, you should change the caption. Click on the caption next to the input box and type in ‘Sexual Assault Type’. The users will now have a better understating of what the field’s use is. However, you will have to use Spcode1 when writing a query, using the search screen or doing a report using the Criteria Screen.


Save your Changes

You now should save the changes to the inpClients form. Then test it. If it works correctly you can then push it out to all users.

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Client Intake | Knowledgebase